Nejat Satı

Current Works

24.02.2022 – 15.03.2022

Current Works

Nejat Satı was born in Izmir in 1982. He continues his production in Istanbul today. Satı, who graduated from Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Fine Arts, creates textured surfaces by mixing the heavy gel with acrylic paint. Creating an abstract language that becomes plastic on the surface, the artist constructs his works in a way that creates a different experience in daylight and dark, using glow and fluorescent colors.

Nejat Satı’s exhibition “Current Works”, whose works are included in many important corporate and private collections, can be seen on the 1st and 3rd floors of Sevil Dolmacı Art Gallery Villa İpranosyan venue between February 24 and March 15. The exhibition will include the latest productions from the artist’s Smiley and Organic series.

Click for information about Nejat Satı